The Cloth-A-Dollics of Victoria is a cloth doll club started in October 1997. The Cloth-A-Dollics is run by volunteers usually for two year terms.

Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at Heritage Acres in Saanich, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Door opens at 10:00 am (end at 4:00) and members can bring their doll projects to work on and share techniques. Members bring their ow lunch. The informal updates from the executive positions are given during the lunch break (noon to 1pm). There is no formal program but there is show and tell and periodic challenges during the year.

Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at Heritage Acres in Saanich, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Door opens at 10:00 am (end at 4:00) and members can bring their doll projects to work on and share techniques. Members bring their ow lunch. The informal updates from the executive positions are given during the lunch break (noon to 1pm). There is no formal program but there is show and tell and periodic challenges during the year.
Full Membership is $30/year, due by the January meeting. Associate membership at $15.00/year is available for those living north of Duncan or off Vancouver Island. Associate members can attend up to 4 meetings in the year.
Full Membership is $30/year, due by the January meeting. Associate membership at $15.00/year is available for those living north of Duncan or off Vancouver Island. Associate members can attend up to 4 meetings in the year.
Members receive:
- Club Membership Booklet which gives extensive information about the Club
- Club history
- General cloth doll making instructions
- Information on fabric and stuffing
- Membership list,
- Exclusive Cloth-A-Dollics club pin (until supply runs out)
- New Member Beginner Cloth Dollmaking Kits are available to purchase
- Members have access to an extensive lending library of books, magazines, videos and patterns
- Members may attend club sponsored workshops. Cloth doll designers are invited in once or twice a year to present two to four day workshops.
- Foster cloth doll making by sharing ideas, expertise and a passion with fellow doll making enthusiasts.
- Hold regular public doll shows displaying the talents of our members.
- Sponsor doll artists to teach workshops from time to time.
- Pursue the opportunity for Club members to attend doll conferences
- The maximum number of books, magazines or audio-video’s that can be borrowed at one time is no more than three.
- Library items must be returned after one month. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please give them to another member to return them for you. The librarians will send a reminder prior to the meeting.
- All books need to be returned in order to borrow more.
- If, after three months, a library item is still out standing, you will be required to reimburse the cost of replacement and, if warranted, the cost of shipping. It should be noted that the cost of replacement is not always the original price at the time of purchase. Items that have gone out of print are often more expensive. Further library privileges will be withdrawn for a period of six months.
There is no formal program committee so members are encouraged to bring new ideas and techniques to share with the members during the meetings. However, there will be the following:on
There is no formal program committee so members are encouraged to bring new ideas and techniques to share with the members during the meetings. However, there will be the following:on
- Show and Tell of members’ new creations
- Cloth doll world news
- Upcoming Club sponsored challenges and workshops
The Cloth-A-Dollics endeavour to participate in a cloth doll display every one or two years. We have displayed our cloth dolls at the Victoria Quilters’ Guild shows since 2000. Other shows we have participated in were at the Christmas in the Village at Heritage Acres in Saanich, the Westshore Quilters’ Guild show, the Victoria Sewing Show at the Conference Centre. We hosted our Club’s first Gallery Exhibit and Sale at the Coast Collective Gallery in Colwood in November 2010, again in 2013 and the latest show was in October 2018.
The Cloth-A-Dollics endeavour to participate in a cloth doll display every one or two years. We have displayed our cloth dolls at the Victoria Quilters’ Guild shows since 2000. Other shows we have participated in were at the Christmas in the Village at Heritage Acres in Saanich, the Westshore Quilters’ Guild show, the Victoria Sewing Show at the Conference Centre. We hosted our Club’s first Gallery Exhibit and Sale at the Coast Collective Gallery in Colwood in November 2010, again in 2013 and the latest show was in October 2018.
For information about the Cloth-A-Dollics of Victoria contact:
Michèle Ashmore, 250-598-5816,
Maria Roxborough, 250-384-0831