Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 2024

 My fellow Dollmakers, I hope you are enjoying the warmer spring weather, long in coming.

The June meeting was successful with three members bringing Show and Share dolls:

Maria is busy making dolls for her solo show in December at the Spiral Cafe on Craigflower:

Michele brought her sock bunny but the photographer (me) was so busy socializing that she forgot to take photos,  Gail also contributed by showing her wee bunny, alas no photo. The photographer promises to do better.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday July 5 2024 at Heritage Acres in Central Saanich. 10am to 4pm. Bring a project to work on and bring your lunch. Please bring a doll to display. Tea and coffee provided.

Our next club doll challenge is:

“Bridal” due in September 2024. The theme can be interrupted in many ways, animal wedding, wedding party, traditional bride, etc

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